Condo/Co-Op Landlord Insurance Step 1 of 6 16% Name* Email* Phone* List all owner(s) on title/deed (Including yourself)NameBirthdayRelationship to you Address of the Condo/Co-Op you want to buy insurance for Mailing Address Is this condo/co-op a new purchase or an existing property you own. New Purchase Existing Property Is this a residential or commercial condo/co-op? Residential Commercial Do you have a lease that prohibits aggressive dog breeds? Yes No What type of tenant(s) do you rent to? Long term (12 month lease or longer) Short Term (weekly, monthly, basis) Student Housing/Boarding (rented by per room What type of tenant(s) do you rent to? Retail Space Professional Office Medical Office Do you currently have landlord insurance on this property? Yes No Current Insurance CompanyInsurance company nameAnnual CostExpiration Date Have you had any home/renter's claims before? Yes No Describe Claim IndividuallyDate of ClaimClaim AmountDescription of Claim Did you ever have landlord insurance on this property? Yes No Have you had any home/renter's claims before? Yes No Describe Claim IndividuallyDate of ClaimClaim AmountDescription of Claim When do you need the insurance to start?DDMMYYYY Any special concerns or questions? Please ask here